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"Inside every child is a miracle"

Some never see their potentioal until someone extends a hand to them. Then they find out "there's a miracle in me."

The vision of Miracles in Motion is to provide a dwelling that is filled with love. A place to call home. A place that brings fond memories held dear to our youths' hearts. A place for belonging. A place for them to grow. A place to be accepted. a place that helps them reflect on who they are and what they want to become. A home that helps to prepare them for the global community and the challenges of this life. A place that becomes one of their favorite places in the world. Miralces in Motion wants to be that place.


Our vision will be accomplished through the arts and various other life skills activities to help youth enrich their lives. There will be the implementation of various focused groups with the emprical evidence based therapeutic interventions. Groups will be gender specific with a limited number of youth to empasize self-reflection and subject matters that will be discussed. All of this will be encompassed in After-School Programming. The potential benefits of after-school program involvment are well-documented with there being a need for a balance of academic, recreational, and social activities. (Sanderson, Cornelli, & Richards, 2010).


Miracles in Motion's target population will be students in the third through fifth grades with expansion to other age groups in the future. The partipants will be considered at-risk-youth. The term at-risk is defined as youth that are exposed to factors that may increase their tendency to engage in problem or delinquent behavior. These risk factors fall under four realms: community, family, school, and individual/peer. It also includes such things as extreme social and economic deprivation; family conflict; lack of commitment to school; and alientation. ( 

Dalaney Banks

The "miracle" behind Miracles in Motion


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